Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I'm tired

It's been awhile since my last blog post. I am dearly sorry. But then again does anyone even read my blog? Oh well...

Today wasn't the usual kind of day. I really don't know how I felt today actually. I think I felt tired. Not the i-want-a-whole-week-of-rest tired but the I'm just tired-of-everything tired. I'm tired of doing the same routine every single day and just keep on being a deprived child watching my friend's have a nice life while here I am stuck in the house just on the internet all day. I am so tired of the same thing everyday.

There are times I think you know I could just step out of class, get out of school and never come back you know. Or something like when my mom doesn't let me go to this event with my friend's and I could just get out of the house and go there. It's things like these that leave me wondering the rest of the night.

I don't like going to school. I hate school. I hate being taught by some person who has a degree on whatever while I'm sitting there listening to them about what they say that will affect my future or something about the "outside world". I hate it so much. I don't understand why we have to do this every single damn day for ten months straight and miss out a lot of things out there that were meant for us. I just hate how our society works.

People who deserve education don't get an education. People who don't deserve an education get an education. I know everybody deserves education but in reality people don't  use it wisely. Just like me. I don't use the education that has been given to me. I am so blessed and fortunate to be given an opportunity like this. The down side is I don't want but I need it. I just wanna be out there traveling the world and learn things by myself. I want to make a change that will change this society to have equality on everything, to stop bullying, etc. Unfortunately I do not have this opportunity because I have to finish my high school life then college life first to make this change I want. I know I can start in school but my school has limits. Unless you are intellectual then your voice maybe heard but if you're not then you should sit down and have nice grades until you speak your mind.

With that being said I think this just turned into a mini rant post. I just wanna get out of this place, runaway and never come back. I just want to make a change.

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